Saturday, February 16, 2008

My little reader...

These are the darn cutest pictures...Carter loves to sit and read books! I love it...he always has enjoyed them and has a pretty long attention span for them! Anyway, he was sitting in his chair reading like mommy does and it was very cute! I was impressed he could point out all the characters too! He calls Mickey Mouse "Me me!" or a similar form of the phrase =) Anyway...enjoy the cute video and pics


Blissful & Domestic said...

Car Car has like no more leg fat rolls!!! Oh my gosh!! and how stinkin cutehe looks reading all by himself...he is our little wagasky prodigy :> I miss Car Car!!!!!

Blissful & Domestic said...

I love you have the video working was so cute when you would ask him where goofy was and you could tell he was looking and thinking about it and then he would point. He is getting so big! I can't wait to see him and thank you for the house add. It is a little too high priced but don't worry Jason said there are others within 2 miles of you guys :>

N&WOdom said...

ok so i tagged you! go to my blog and see what to do! love you