Monday, January 26, 2009

It's official

Well, this year for my birthday, I had the best present ever! I had an ultrasound where Justin got to see that for SURE we are having a girl. So, he's accepted that fact now =) Ha ha. I was so excited because the ultrasound lady told us she was 13 ounces and she measured her little foot for us! It's one inch cute is that?! I couldn't wait to buy little girl stuff, but we have no money so I'm forced to wait. But my cute husband was sneaky and went and bought the cutest little pink sleeper with ruffles on the butt. Did I mention that's my favorite feature ever on little girl's clothes? Carter loved seeing the baby on the TV and has totally adopted her as "his baby" now. We didn't ever call her that, but now he likes to pick out pink stuff at the store and says, "My baby likes that." Or the other day we were going to the park and he told me I should get on the tire swing because, "My baby likes tire swings." I asked him what he thought we should name the baby and he said, "Dirty." Note to self: don't get a 2-year-old's opinion on naming babies. But the top pick right now is Kelsie Louise. Justin won't 100% commit until the very end I'm sure, but I told him he just needs to accept the fact that I think of good names for our kids.


Nickell said...

Hey that's my sister's name. Not the Louise part but the Kelsey part, though her's is spelled Kelsey not Kelsie but it is said the same. Cute!

Anonymous said...

What a cute name!!

Laura Z said...

Hurray! Girl clothes are the best! :-)

Cassidy said...

Congrats on having a girl!

Melody's Voice said...

So exciting! And how cute is that, Justin surpised you with girl clothes :)

wattysgurl said...

so are you all settled in yet? i am so jealous. i want to move. we are still looking almost every weekend. how is your new ward?
well- i was wondering if i could get my board. no immediate rush, just have kiddos buggin for allowance and in was a way to earn it. also the 2 sets of nails.
my mother in law loved the family quote board- it turned out great.
call or email me- your old email wasn't working

Becky said...

So cute. You are so cute. Carter is so cute. And baby girl will be a knock out I am sure.

Hey bad friend that I am, I have fully been meaning to remember your baby stuff every time I come out there. One of these times I will actually remember before I get there. Please don't hate me.

Kim and company said...

Darling! How fun! Girls are delightful! Congratulations on your happy news! Kelsey is a cute name! It always takes us months to come to a name agreement!