I so need to catch up on this blog, but I've been so busy sewing NONstop so I can have everything ready by the time Kelsie arrives! PS, exciting news about that...I am scheduled to be induced on the 24th, if she hasn't come on her own by then (which probably not since that is 6 days before my due date). That is exactly 2 weeks from today I will be holding our new little newborn bundle of goodness!!! I can't wait...what's more is I can't wait to be able to sit down without feeling my belly pushing in between my legs and breathing while bending over! Ha ha.
Now, about where the title for this post came from...we were coming home late tonight from Mother's Day celebration at my Mother-in-law's and Carter totally fell asleep in the car. I had looked back a couple times, and he was for sure out. Well, all of a sudden I hear:
"Mommy?! W-w-w-w-will my baby have hair?" (He stutters sometimes, especially when tired)
"Ummm....she'll at least have a little bit of hair." (I am laughing to Justin that Carter woke out of a dead sleep with this question.)
CARTER: "W-w-w-w-will you need to comb my baby's hair?"
ME: "Yeah, we'll need to comb it. Did you want to help me comb your baby sister's hair?"
CARTER: "Yeah, I'll help comb her hair, but only after she comes out."
ME: "Okay, you'll be a good big brother."
Then, we come inside, and Carter wants his "Big Choco Milk" (milk with some ovaltine in it) before he goes to bed, he says. (Anyone who knows Carter knows he's very crazy about the times he likes to drink milk, and doesn't drink it any other times during the day.) So I tell him afterwards, it's time to go straight to bed because it's late. As SOON as he finished his milk, he was asleep again on the couch, for good this time!
I seriously think he must've started having a dream in the car about the baby's hair or something with the way he popped out of sleep with those questions. So funny...